Updates from U16 Racing - January 2024

One of our most senior team of athletes has been going strong since well before snow hit the slopes.

Over Winter Break we worked on a speed progression to get athletes comfortable racing speed (SG and DH). We spent five days training SG on La Belle. On Jan 9-10 we raced SG at Breckenridge (BreckenFRIDGE!) and then our GS race was cancelled on the 10th due to the cold. My friend from ski racing media was there and interviewed some Eldo athletes for her article about the SYNC series. Click Here to Read it.

Team travel has been going well and athletes are having a lot of fun, playing card games and going to the pool when time allows!

On Jan 16-18 we head to Aspen for our speed qualification race. We will be racing DH and SG. Jan 26-28 we will go to Steamboat to race SL and GS. If you are in town for these races, come cheer us on!

We’re excited to watch our athletes improve as our season progresses!

